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Time for giving back – Together helping to stop infections and promote inclusive health in Serbia


The members of the international community based in Serbia benefitted since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 from the support of the Serbian Public Health Institute “Batut”. The Institute provided information services in English, a diplomatic help for case of suspected SARS-CoV2 infections and access to testing. In 2021 they lead a world-leading effective vaccination campaign for the members of the diplomatic and consular community of embassy and international organisation staff and their dependents. We have been vaccinated either at their premises in Vračar on Nikolaja Krasnova Street, or at the Belgrade Fair grounds (Sajam). The members of the international community are grateful for this effective effort, valuable support, and heartfelt sign of solidarity.

Now it is time to invest into the future of the public health service in Serbia. You can be part of this by donating to the Serbian Public Health Institute “Batut”. This tailormade campaign of individual members of the diplomatic community and shall collect funds to better equip the counselling centre of the Batut Institute’s infectious disease control department.

Infections such as the Coronavirus hit us all, but not all of us have the same access to information. The Batut Institute provides information about infectious disease to everyone in Serbia, including marginalised and minority groups. To reach everyone effectively and provide access, they would benefit from better technical and medical equipment. This will help to stop the spread of future pandemics, STDs, HIV and other viruses.

This is your chance to give back and help to prepare Serbia to contain the spread of infectious disease among all parts of society. You can donate through this private campaign individually to whatever level you wish.

We will inform you about the campaign’s progress and the thank you ceremony after the end of the campaign. The campaign ends on 18 April 2021.

Thank you for giving and building back better together.


HP multi-function printers - 2x 32.990:  65.980 RSD
Office projector: 62.999 RSD
Laptops - 2x 119.999:  239.998 RSD
Desktop computers w/ monitor - 4x 105.998:  423.992 RSD
Microsoft Office subscriptions - 6x 33.999:  203.994 RSD
Dermatoscope: 120.000 RSD
Bank fees: 22.000 RSD

TOTAL: 1.138.963 RSD

If you need any help with the process of online donations, watch this short tutorial or send us an email


Time for giving back – Together helping to stop infections and promote inclusive health in Serbia

173.986,00 RSD

15% of the 1.138.963 RSD goal

donated by 21 donors in 1418 days 0days remaining
donate 25.03.2021 - 11.05.2021 (46 dana)

The members of the international community based in Serbia benefitted since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 from the support of the Serbian Public Health Institute “Batut”. The Institute provided information services in English, a diplomatic help for […]

Opis projekta

The members of the international community based in Serbia benefitted since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 from the support of the Serbian Public Health Institute “Batut”. The Institute provided information services in English, a diplomatic help for case of suspected SARS-CoV2 infections and access to testing. In 2021 they lead a world-leading effective vaccination campaign for the members of the diplomatic and consular community of embassy and international organisation staff and their dependents. We have been vaccinated either at their premises in Vračar on Nikolaja Krasnova Street, or at the Belgrade Fair grounds (Sajam). The members of the international community are grateful for this effective effort, valuable support, and heartfelt sign of solidarity.

Now it is time to invest into the future of the public health service in Serbia. You can be part of this by donating to the Serbian Public Health Institute “Batut”. This tailormade campaign of individual members of the diplomatic community and shall collect funds to better equip the counselling centre of the Batut Institute’s infectious disease control department.

Infections such as the Coronavirus hit us all, but not all of us have the same access to information. The Batut Institute provides information about infectious disease to everyone in Serbia, including marginalised and minority groups. To reach everyone effectively and provide access, they would benefit from better technical and medical equipment. This will help to stop the spread of future pandemics, STDs, HIV and other viruses.

This is your chance to give back and help to prepare Serbia to contain the spread of infectious disease among all parts of society. You can donate through this private campaign individually to whatever level you wish.

We will inform you about the campaign’s progress and the thank you ceremony after the end of the campaign. The campaign ends on 18 April 2021.

Thank you for giving and building back better together.


HP multi-function printers - 2x 32.990:  65.980 RSD
Office projector: 62.999 RSD
Laptops - 2x 119.999:  239.998 RSD
Desktop computers w/ monitor - 4x 105.998:  423.992 RSD
Microsoft Office subscriptions - 6x 33.999:  203.994 RSD
Dermatoscope: 120.000 RSD
Bank fees: 22.000 RSD

TOTAL: 1.138.963 RSD

If you need any help with the process of online donations, watch this short tutorial or send us an email


1.000,00 RSD
Ovim iznosom postaješ donator/ka šapica.
2.000,00 RSD
Ovim iznosom postaješ donator/ka bebac.
3.000,00 RSD
Ovim iznosom postaješ superhero donator/ka.
5.000,00 RSD
Ovim iznosom postaješ donator/ka kidalica.
10.000,00 RSD
Ovim iznosom postaješ MVP donator/ka.
,00 RSD
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Campaign owner

Organization:  Catalyst Balkans Kontakt:

Mi smo Fondacija koja stoji iza prve domaće crowdfunding platforme za projekte od opšteg dobra. Verujemo da je najbolja promena ona koja dolazi iznutra – da društvo i zajednicu najbolje razvijaju i menjaju ljudi koji tu žive i rade. Zbog toga, na našoj platformi, možete dati podršku kampanjama do kojih vam je stalo i dati svoj doprinos viziji sveta u kome bismo svi želeli da živimo.

Manuela Frommwald10.000,00 RSD

Ambasada Kraljevine Maroka6.000,00 RSD

Anonimno6.000,00 RSD

Milan Antonijevic5.000,00 RSD

Anonimno5.000,00 RSD

Nikolaus Lutterotti15.000,00 RSD

Urs Schmid5.000,00 RSD

Joao Alvim5.000,00 RSD

Herwart Berger30.000,00 RSD

Virginia Pina5.000,00 RSD

Monique Merriam15.000,00 RSD

Anonimno5.000,00 RSD

Anonimno5.000,00 RSD

Anonimno2.351,00 RSD

Anonimno15.000,00 RSD

Vutha Tan5.000,00 RSD

Hans Joachim Friess11.757,00 RSD

Dorothea Gieselmann 15.000,00 RSD

Mona Alghaith1.000,00 RSD

Nathan Koeshall1.000,00 RSD

Tobias Flessenkemper5.878,00 RSD