Opis projekta
Posledice koronavirusa su još uvek nesagledive, ali je jedna stvar sigurna - nejednakosti u društvu koje i inače postoje, tokom pandemije su postale još izraženije i veće. Ove nejednakosti se poslednjih mesec dana najviše vide na primeru obrazovanja i nemogućnosti praćenja nastave od kuće za veliki broj školaraca.
Tačan broj dece u ovoj situaciji se ne zna, a jedini podaci dolaze zahvaljujući organizacijama koje su radile sa decom i pre koronavirusa. Želeći da se udružimo, kao što smo za vreme COVID-19 mnogo puta uradili, naše tri organizacije Fondacija SOS Dečija sela Srbija, ADRA i Music art project, zajedno sa fondacijom Catalyst Balkans koja nas je okupila, odlučile su da ne dozvole da nijedno dete sa kojim radimo ne zaostaje u odnosu na svoje vršnjake.

Na teritoriji ukupno 7 gradova u kojima pružamo naše usluge, identifikovali smo najmanje 274 dece iz marginalizovanih grupa i porodica kojima preti odvajanje od roditelja kojima želimo da obezbedimo opremu za praćenje online nastave tokom cele školske godine; konkretno, tablete i stabilnu internet konekciju.
Fondacija SOS Dečija sela Srbija od 2004. godine brine o deci i mladima bez roditeljskog staranja, a ovim projektom žele da pomognu deci koja žive u porodicama u riziku da im deca budu oduzeta jer im roditelji ne pružaju adekvatnu roditeljsku negu. Konkretno, najurgentnija pomoć je potrebna za 94 dece u Nišu i Obrenovcu.

ADRA (globalna humanitarna organizacija Hrišćanske adventističke crkve) svojim humanitarnim i razvojnim programima pomaže pojedincima i zajednicama u više od 130 zemalja bez obzira na etničku, političku ili versku pripadnost. U beogradskim naseljima Borča Reva 1, Reva 2 i Reva 3, Jabučki Rit i Padinska Skela rade sa 80 dece uzrasta od 8 do 13 godina, koji su deo ADRINOG programa podrške u učenju.

Music art project (MAP) se već 6 godina stara o tome da kroz svoj program pruži nadu, lepotu, perspektivu i šansu za jednakost socijalno ugroženoj deci i deci sa raseljenih područja. Ovaj obrazovni i socijalno-inkluzivni model primenjuje se kroz stvaranje muzike u horovima i orkestrima, kroz intenzivne probe i učestale nastupe, pružajući deci organizovano vreme van ulica, u bezbednom okruženju. Pored toga što će deca biti u mogućnosti da nastave da prate i učestvuju u MAP programu, pružiće priliku mnogima da prate i redovnu školsku nastavu, konkretno njih 100 u 5 gradova širom Srbije.

Pomozite nam da obezbedimo osnovcima iz Beograda, Obrenovca, Kraljeva, Leskovca, Bujanovca, Surdulice i Niša koji žive u teškim uslovima da ne propuštaju časove, druženje sa vršnjacima, učenje i priliku da napreduju i ostvare dobar uspeh.
Ovom prilikom želimo da pozovemo sve građane, društveno odgovorne kompanije, proizvođače opreme, distributere i operatere da se priključe našoj zajedničkoj inicijativi i doprinesu svako na način koji im najviše odgovara: online donacijom preko platforme, donacijom u robi/usluzi ili promocijom.
Nadamo se da ćete nas podržati u našoj inicijativi i da ćemo uspeti da obezbedimo jednake šanse za svu decu.
Grupa 484 i Norveška ambasada dupliraće svaku vašu donaciju do iznosa od 235.000 RSD.
Hvala vam!
Tableti (274 x 8.980 RSD) = 2.460.520 RSD
Mesečni internet 100 GB(1.200 RSD x 8 meseci x 274)= 2.630.400 RSD
UKUPNO: 5.090.920 RSD
While consequences of the coronavirus are still incalculable, one thing is certain - already existing inequalities in society, during the pandemic, have become even more pronounced and bigger. In the last month, these inequalities were even more apparent in education and in the large number of schoolchildren that cannot attend classes from their homes.
The exact number of children in this situation is not known, and the only data comes thanks to organizations that already worked with children. Knowing how big of a task this is, our three organization decided to unite, as we did many times during COVID-19. SOS Children's Villages Serbia Foundation, ADRA and Music Art Project, together with the Catalyst Balkans that brought us together, decided not to allow any child we work with to lag behind their peers.
On the territory of 7 cities in which we provide our services, we have identified at least 274 children from marginalized groups and families who are threatened with separation from their parents for whom we want to provide equipment needed for attending online classes throughout the school year; specifically, tablets and a stable internet connection.
SOS Children's Villages Serbia Foundation has been taking care of children and young people without parental care since 2004, and with this project they want to help children living in families at risk of their children being taken away because their parents cannot provide adequate parental care. Specifically, the most urgent help is needed for 94 children in Niš and Obrenovac.
ADRA (a global humanitarian organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church) helps individuals and communities in more than 130 countries with its humanitarian and development programs, regardless of ethnic, political or religious affiliation. In Belgrade neighborhoods of Borča Reva 1, Reva 2 and Reva 3, Jabučki Rit and Padinska Skela they work with 80 children aged 8 to 13, who are part of ADRA's learning support program.
Music Art Project (MAP) has been working for 6 years to provide hope, beauty, perspective and a chance for equality to socially vulnerable children and children from displaced areas through its programs. This educational and socially inclusive model is applied through the creation of music in choirs and orchestras, through intensive rehearsals and frequent performances, providing children with organized time off the streets, in a safe environment. In addition to the fact that children will be able to continue to follow and participate in the MAP program, it will provide an opportunity for many to follow regular school classes, specifically 100 of them in 5 cities across Serbia.
Help us to provide elementary school students from Belgrade, Obrenovac, Kraljevo, Leskovac, Bujanovac, Surdulica and Niš who live in difficult conditions not to miss classes, socializing with peers, learning and to have the opportunity to progress and achieve good success.
We would like to invite all citizens, socially responsible companies, equipment manufacturers, distributors and operators to join our joint initiative and contribute each in the way that suits them best: online donation through the platform, donation in goods / services or promotion.
We hope that you will support us in our initiative and that we will succeed in providing equal opportunities for all children.
Group 484 and the Norwegian Embassy will double each of your donations to the amount of 235,000 RSD.
Thank you!
Tablets (274 x 8,980 RSD) = 2,460,520 RSD
Monthly internet 100 GB (1,200 RSD x 8 months x 274) = 2,630,400 RSD
TOTAL: 5,090,920 RSD